At MJB Contractors, we put a high priority on the health and safety of all our staff and all projects that we work on. Even in a fast-paced and demanding environment, safety cannot be compromised – we all have family and loved ones that we need to get home to safely.
Each project includes detailed and thorough health and safety procedures inline with our Corporate Occupational Health and Safety Policy, as well as relevant staturoty obligations and the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
The objectives of our health and safety policies are:
- To eliminate, at the source, risks to the health, safety and welfare of all personnel (including employees, subcontractors, consultants, visitors, etc);
- To maintain zero lost time injury’s (LTI’s);
- To provide a continuous program of education and training to ensure that our employees work in the safest possible manner;
- To ensure project safety procedures are implemented in a coordinated and integrated manner with applicable system procedures;
- To identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification and risk analysis;
- To ensure all high risk activities have documented SHEWMS’s in place and signed by all relevant staff;
- To ensure all incidents are reported and investigated; and
- To provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees.
Our Health and Safety policies are achieved through:
- Complying with statutory requirements, codes, standards and guidelines;
- Defining roles and responsibilities for occupational health, safety and environment;
- Setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to our activities, products and services;
- Ensuring occupational health, safety and environment management principles are included in all planned activities;
- Ensuring incidents are investigated and improvement measures are made within the organisation to prevent a reoccurrence;
- Providing on-going education and training to all of our employees;
- Consulting with employees and other parties to improve decision-making on OH&S issues;
- Distributing OH&S information, including this policy, to all employees and interested parties;
- Providing enough resources to ensure occupational health, safety and environment is a central part of the organisation;
- Ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to all employees.
MJB Contractors reviews their health and safety policy and safety management plans on an annual base to confirm its continuing suitability and adequacy. Additionally, reviews occur in the case of any of the following events:
- Changes to any applicable legislation
- When amendments have been made to any of the procedures detailed in this plan
- When amendments have been made to any OHS procedures
- An incident investigation or audit identifies any necessary amendments